Humans have brains which means they can answer that question also whose answer is not known to them but how a human is able to answer it's just because he has a natural intelligence and past experience which helps them to predict the answer but the computer is hardware then how to give the brain to it ??

What do humans have?

πŸ‘‰ Brain

πŸ‘‰ Experience

πŸ‘‰ Lots of data

πŸ‘‰ Prediction power

πŸ‘‰ The habit of not saying “no”

What computers do not have?

πŸ‘‰ Brain

πŸ‘‰ Prediction Power

πŸ‘‰ the answer to that question whose data does not exist.

MACHINE LEARNING - It is an application of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE which provides machines to automatically learn and improve through experience.

The more data brings more experience to the robot without explicitly programmed.

It is of four types - 

 πŸ‘‰ SUPERVISED LEARNING - Supervisor means an instructor who instructs to do something. In supervised learning, the labeled data is used to train the computer for future prediction.

Sentiment analysis is the best example of supervised learning.

 πŸ‘‰ UNSUPERVISED LEARNING - Unsupervised means there is no instructor. In Unsupervised Learning unlabeled data is present and the computer trains itself by that data.

Clustering is done by unsupervised learning.

πŸ‘‰ SEMI - SUPERVISED LEARNING  - Semi-Supervised learning comes in between supervised and unsupervised learning. In this small amount of labeled data and a large amount of unlabeled data is present.

Speech Analysis is an example of Semi-supervised Learning.

πŸ‘‰ REINFORCEMENT LEARNING  - It uses trial and error methods for learning. When we use a map for finding routes it uses reinforcement learning means which search for the smallest route.

Let's take one company which is our friend, dictionary, teacher, classroom, meeting place, and alot more.

Its name is GOOGLE.

πŸ‘‰ From the past till modern time we used to with Google.

πŸ‘‰ When we are stuck we search on google.

πŸ‘‰ When one language is not known to us we just use google translate.

πŸ‘‰ When we think phone photos should be visible on our laptop then we use Google Photos.

We are using google so much and google always tries to give the best experience to its users.

So today I am going to tell you how Google is trying to make your experience the Best.

For reading this article I think you are using google only. GOOGLE SEARCH to GOOGLE PHOTOS to GOOGLE TRANSLATE all the things are MACHINE LEARNING.

Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google commented that “Machine learning is a core, transformative way by which we’re rethinking how we’re doing everything. We are thoughtfully applying it across all our products, be it search, ads, YouTube, or Play. And we’re in the early days, but you will see us apply machine learning in all these areas.”


Google Translate now serves 200 million people daily. The company breaks down language barriers a billion times a day, it reveals at Google I/O.

Many times it happens the language we professionally use is not our native language so it becomes an issue for many and that moment we think “there must be a tool for this which converts my language to another” and google listens to your wish and makes a tool which converts words of one language into another language.

Google uses Machine Learning for Google Translate.

It uses Statistical Machine Translation (SMT), which has documents of different languages from where the computer is trained in such a way that it will tell us answers not 100% but very correct, it is still a great tool to convert text, images, or even real-time video from one language to another. 


Google said, “Two years ago we introduced Google Photos and now, more than 500 million people use it every month, backing up more than 1.2 billion photos and videos per day.”

It’s Cool to know if you are a selfie addict or candid clicker but here our phone memory says “ please stop clicking photos I can’t store this much and what if you deleted that photo I don’t have any backup!!”

We don’t need to worry here again. Google is here to take care of our photos with advanced technologies like Machine Learning and many more.

But Machine Learning Plays a vital Role as it gives amazing service by recognizing our faces and making a group of those photos. This decreases our search time and even we can search by name or by place. It makes Albums of photos at our ease.


Google announced today that ” 500 million people are now using Google Assistant across smartphones, TVs, smart home devices, and other gadgets.” 

Google Assistant played a vital role in INDIA, as many people don’t know how to type or how to use a mobile phone and therefore Google Assistant made life easy by just asking people to speak and rest all things will be searched by google.

It is basically a personal assistant that is enabled using a combination of Google Knowledge Graph, Image Recognition, and Natural Language Processing.

Google Assistant is a Chatbot which can be connected to Phones, TV, Speaker, etc, with the ability to hear the voice of the person speaking.

Google Knowledge Graph provides information gathered from various sources while Natural Language Processing allows the Google Assistant to interact with you and formulate its answers according to your questions.


RANK BRAIN is a MACHINE LEARNING SYSTEM which uses ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE to improve the search results and interpret new queries.It takes difficult or hard-to-understand queries and relates them to previous searches based on intent and end results.

RankBrain is a machine learning (AI) algorithm that Google uses to sort the search results. It also helps Google process and understands search queries. Before RankBrain, 100% of Google’s algorithm was hand-coded. 

Human engineers still work on the algorithm, of course. But today, RankBrain also does its thing in the background.

Depending on the keyword, RankBrain will increase or decrease the importance of backlinks, content freshness, content length, domain authority, etc.

Then, it looks at how Google searchers interact with new search results. If users like the new algorithm better, it stays. If not, RankBrain rolls back the old algorithm.

Here’s the Unbelievable part:

Google asked a group of Google Engineers to identify the best page for a given search and they also asked RankBrain.

And guess what RankBrain outperformed brainy Google engineers by 10% !!!



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